Thursday, March 6, 2014

All Glory to the HypnoCake

This is a hypnotic cake, baked for me by my amazing baker roommate for my birthday. A double-layer, chocolate with raspberry-butter-cream-filling cake. That I used to hypnotize someone. This may be a historic first: the first ever hypnosis-by-pastry.

I planned my birthday as a low-key hangout with a light hypno kink theme: I put eye-swimming optical illusions around as decoration, and played another one of my birthday gifts, Hypnoprism by Momus. I also did some hypnosis. There another notable occurrence that I will certainly write about in another entry, but now the cake.

Cassi came to my party, and agreed to gaze into the spiral. We snuck away from where most people were gathered, in the living room, and she sat at the kitchen table. She put her elbows on the table, and looked across at the cake. I started spinning the rotating cake stand (kindly supplied by another guest) and started my patter. Very quickly her eyes started to blink and her head to droop. I had been worried about the loud sound of the cake stand as it turned, but she later said that was what really helped her go into trance! I found myself including more and more cake-based language in my induction: "imagine yourself sinking into the thick, dark chocolateyness..." Did I mention that the spiral on top is a layer of actual white and dark chocolate?

I brought her up after a little bit. She said that she had felt like she was eating the cake! Not with her mouth, but I guess on a deeper level? In any case, after a couple of people had taken camera video of it, we set about to eat it in a non-hypnotic way. And it was amazing. First, though, a room full of people sang Happy Birthday to me in tranced-out voices. (a delightful idea from another one of my friends who was there!) Even more so because most of them weren't hypnokinksters, it made me feel very accepted and cared for.

This has been such a home to me. I like these people so much, and I'm not even close to being done with Boston. And yet I have to leave, to travel so far away, in less than two months. That's going to be a life-changing adventure in its own way, but still:

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